Richard Barrtle reports that Gamasutra's Ask the Experts column has a list of 31 Suggested Games that Students of Game Development Should Play.
he's very happy that MUD (any) is in the middle of the (alphabetical) list ofcourse.
Well, it's something I agree on with Gamasutra.
I'm curious as to how many of the 31 games I played, intended to play and never got around to or plain never heard of.
Tried it
Beyond Good and Evil:
Stood at the brink of trying this a few times.
I think I have a pawn diploma somewhere
Chrono Trigger:
Never heard of it
Coign of Vantage:
Eh, what's that?
Tried it. Glad it wasn't a legal copy.
Dungeons & Dragons:
Final Fantasy VII:
Know of. I played 8 instead. With the nice video's, but I wanted to kick my own character in the nuts repeatedly about 1/3 into the game. Gimme Western style RPG's where you have some control over what type of person you are. I don't like playing a jerk.
Heard of, never been interested.
I didn't go as far as buying a board to gather dust as many others did.
Herzog Zwei:
Incan Gold:
Dunno, what platform?
Magic: The Gathering:
Know of. Managed to avoid it. We of the real P&P RPG crowd looked down on it.
Mirror’s Edge:
Seen the commercial on tv recently. Not sure what is so renewing about it?
Missile Command:
multi-user dungeon (MUD) (any):
Of course. Bubble Bobble was better though.
Pocketful of Stars:
I think so. Vaguely remember the title.
Yes, didn't get all that far due to flawed (my opinion) mechanics
Settlers of Catan:
Yes. Some people still aren't talking to me due to the Great Wool Scam :-D
Super Mario 64:
Super Mario Bros:
Start of Ugh!
Super Mario Bros. 3:
Three times Ugh!
Texas Hold ’em:
Never heard of it
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Sorry, nth installment of a title by another company usually doesn't catch my interest.
Wolfenstien/Doom 1:
Yes, though I claim the Robocop game was a further advanced FPS (looking up) and came out before either.
Some of these games aren't very good, but that's not what studying is about. You often learn as much from how not to do things as from games that did it right but where no-one seems to be able to pin-point all the bits they did right, like with WOW. All this is explained on page 1 of the article, but it wouldn't make sense to do the above excersize after reading that :-)
Tuesday, December 16
Wednesday, December 3
Shopping in Anarchy Online
My first and last post so far was about my idea that it would be nicer to have level restricted shops in cities. The idea is to have shops, and auction house accespoints, scattered around a city.
The benefits would be twofold. You'd get a better spread of players, assuming not eveyrone rushes to the end-game within three weeks, across the city-scape which would be better for lag. And, you'd have people with more or less the same interest-range congregate in the same spot.
Well, of late I've been playing a game which does this to an extend.
Over the last two, three weeks Phè and I have been 'trocking' in Anarchy Online. We're actually having a blast with this game and its pretty dated Engine. It helps that Phè remembers a lot of details and best practices as I sometimes get overwhelmed by the sheer number of stats to track.
So it was Phè who came up with the idea to manufacture a brain Implant to boost her Navigational skill so she could read certain Maps. She'd then swap out the implant for one helping her Shoot Stuff which has a more frequent use in MMO's. Especially since the Maps stay read. She was also kind enough to shove the thing into my avatar's brains for a spell so I too could enjoy the benefits of higher Map Reading Skills. She's full of those kind of tricks and gimmicks.
In a Second or Third generation game this probably would be (considered) a bug and highly abused. In Anarchy Online it's abused just as much but it's part and parcel of the gameplay. For you see, Anarchy Online isn't a high action game like its creator's follow up game Age of Conan. In fact if you pick the right class, you don't have anything to do in a fight for stretches of 30 seconds straight. In most current day MMO's you have to press a button every 3-4 seconds. With AO this is a lot less. Atleast for the first 30-60 levels or so. After that I don't know, but I bet Phè does. It's very nice to have her be the more experienced player. I loved it when I could hide behind her coat-tails in CoX and I'm loving it here.
Anyway, to get back to Anarchy Online and its shops. These are 'Consoles' by the way. Kinda like ATM's that spill out anything from Clothes and Armor (A DirectX 7 game and it has Social clothing) to guns and swords, implants and Nano's and lots of tools and Maps as well. Everything is Stat dependent and you'll frequently discover that the implant you just swapped out for something better was actually allowing you to use that Uber Gun you just bought and now can't equip anymore. This is a game where you need spreadsheet skills. No, you don't need those for WOW, WAR or CoX. Unless you're really tweaking the margins of your top-level character. With AO you start dusting off the printer while you're downloading the free to play version of the game or else...
What's nice about AO is that stores are somewhat arranged by tier and you'll find high level characters (200+ even) run around the same area's as lowbie players. This is nearly 8 years into the existance of the game by the way. Even though it's just three servers, these feel more alive in the three main capitals than Age of Conan does in central Hub of the World, Old Tarantia.
This despite there being a single Auction House access point in each city. I haven't really delved into the player market yet. I shudder at the thought what 8 years of Mudflation have done to the prices of rare items for my Tier. Especially as you can shut down your XP gain for as long as you want and just run missions for the money, or Blitz Missions for missions that reward you with that special item you need. So maybe it won't be so bad afteral. Can't drive the price up so far that people prefer to (have a Funcom approved third party application) spend hours finding that correct mission for you.
All in all, Anarchy Online is actually a pretty fun game for all its age and dated engine.
We've got something to look forward to, a revamped DirectX 9 Engine around June 2009, but that was before the big lay-offs at Funcom so who knows.
The benefits would be twofold. You'd get a better spread of players, assuming not eveyrone rushes to the end-game within three weeks, across the city-scape which would be better for lag. And, you'd have people with more or less the same interest-range congregate in the same spot.
Well, of late I've been playing a game which does this to an extend.
Over the last two, three weeks Phè and I have been 'trocking' in Anarchy Online. We're actually having a blast with this game and its pretty dated Engine. It helps that Phè remembers a lot of details and best practices as I sometimes get overwhelmed by the sheer number of stats to track.
So it was Phè who came up with the idea to manufacture a brain Implant to boost her Navigational skill so she could read certain Maps. She'd then swap out the implant for one helping her Shoot Stuff which has a more frequent use in MMO's. Especially since the Maps stay read. She was also kind enough to shove the thing into my avatar's brains for a spell so I too could enjoy the benefits of higher Map Reading Skills. She's full of those kind of tricks and gimmicks.
In a Second or Third generation game this probably would be (considered) a bug and highly abused. In Anarchy Online it's abused just as much but it's part and parcel of the gameplay. For you see, Anarchy Online isn't a high action game like its creator's follow up game Age of Conan. In fact if you pick the right class, you don't have anything to do in a fight for stretches of 30 seconds straight. In most current day MMO's you have to press a button every 3-4 seconds. With AO this is a lot less. Atleast for the first 30-60 levels or so. After that I don't know, but I bet Phè does. It's very nice to have her be the more experienced player. I loved it when I could hide behind her coat-tails in CoX and I'm loving it here.
Anyway, to get back to Anarchy Online and its shops. These are 'Consoles' by the way. Kinda like ATM's that spill out anything from Clothes and Armor (A DirectX 7 game and it has Social clothing) to guns and swords, implants and Nano's and lots of tools and Maps as well. Everything is Stat dependent and you'll frequently discover that the implant you just swapped out for something better was actually allowing you to use that Uber Gun you just bought and now can't equip anymore. This is a game where you need spreadsheet skills. No, you don't need those for WOW, WAR or CoX. Unless you're really tweaking the margins of your top-level character. With AO you start dusting off the printer while you're downloading the free to play version of the game or else...
What's nice about AO is that stores are somewhat arranged by tier and you'll find high level characters (200+ even) run around the same area's as lowbie players. This is nearly 8 years into the existance of the game by the way. Even though it's just three servers, these feel more alive in the three main capitals than Age of Conan does in central Hub of the World, Old Tarantia.
This despite there being a single Auction House access point in each city. I haven't really delved into the player market yet. I shudder at the thought what 8 years of Mudflation have done to the prices of rare items for my Tier. Especially as you can shut down your XP gain for as long as you want and just run missions for the money, or Blitz Missions for missions that reward you with that special item you need. So maybe it won't be so bad afteral. Can't drive the price up so far that people prefer to (have a Funcom approved third party application) spend hours finding that correct mission for you.
All in all, Anarchy Online is actually a pretty fun game for all its age and dated engine.
We've got something to look forward to, a revamped DirectX 9 Engine around June 2009, but that was before the big lay-offs at Funcom so who knows.
Authored by
Tuesday, July 22
The underapreciated NPC Vendor
So for my first attempt at blogging, I'm going to talk a bit about NPC traders in MMO's and how they're under-appreciated and how they could be used to regulate Player movement better in order to prevent clustering, which causes lag.
A common sight in many an MMORPG is that of the huge crowd of people standing around an auction NPC or a terminal providing the same services. In EverQuest II there are the Traders, in Vanguard there's the Auctioneers, in Age of Conan, it's Traders again and in City of Heroes/Villains it's a group of store-clerks or back-alley ruffians. In Guild Wars there aren't any but there's no General Chat as a result either, with all thefish-wives, I mean Players hawking their goods. A pun in that game is that the best place for a quiet chat is the Trade channel.
Something you also see in each of these games and many, many more are A) Your FPS rate dropping dramatically whenever you get near to these large groups of players accessing the game's global auction / trade system. B) A lot of "useles" NPC Vendors trying to pawn off rubbish armor. We the Players visit them sometimes, or at least the one that's closest to our route to the nearest Auction-house, to sell our "Vendor Trash", stuff we can't even get the dumbest player to buy at inflated prices. For the main part they are completely ignored though, unless they've been inserted into a Fedex-style quest chain for instance.
I mean, I recall buying quite a bit of Armor from the NPC's in my first time through the Guild Wars: Prophecies campaign, but by the time Guild Wars: Factions came out, I'd be taking a character to Level 20 and Droknar's Forge (the long route, I never got ran) in little under 12 hours and with a set of armor bought in the northern Shiverpeaks. In EverQuest II I don't recall buying armor or swords from NPC's after hitting 10. I do recall the lag-fests in the Crafting Houses. SOE tried to do something about that by littering the streets with stumble-upon crafting stations after realizing that selling from your home just wasn't cutting it.
(Hello SOE?, ever heard of home-order/delivery Like those Pizza's you get?)
In Vanguard, saga of unfulfilled potential, it was pretty much the same deal. 5 FPS around Auctioneers (or any area not fully optimized) and ghost-towns around them except for the spots where Crafters had been hidden away or the triangular route between Bank - Crafting Station and Trader. A lot of useless traders standing around that tried to sell us white, entry level gear.
Age of Conan even tried to put it all into one spot, including mail. So in order to check your mail (most likely RMT Gold Sellers spamming you and blaming Google for raising ad prices) you have to stutter passed dozens of people checking their banks, guild-banks, mail and the auction-house while pretty much the entire city's instance is a ghost-town filled with lovely Vendors who never get any custom. Except for the Potion vendors who constitute just about the only money-sink this game knows. Like the other games, the armor and weapon vendors see no custom at all. The General Goods vendor just outside the Tradepost in Old Tarantia sees lots of Vendor Trash custom though.
So, there are two "problems" right? Laggy areas around auction house access points where players congregate to not socialize but try to get the biggest price for their goods instead. And NPC's that were painstakingly inserted into their cozy little shops or stalls but are really wasted memory space as they have no purpose.
Just about every game, including CoX these days, is item-centric. That makes "sense" becasue when people stop levelling, you need to find them another time-sink. I don't know who came up with the idea to level gear, but it proved brilliant and Blizzard perfected the system of gear-levelling through Raid-Dungeons, amongst other things.
But it's a sad fact that the stuff that Vendors sell is almost always "Salvation Army Grade", meaning it has the lowest posisble stats for any given tier (usually 10 levels) and you'd really rather not be caught dead in them, except you're very likely to end up just that taking the gear out to the nearest dungeon.
I'm taking a long and roundabout way to get to the point here and you think you see it coming but it's not Player Shops. Or atleast not the way people sometimes propose it. Your own personal NPC to sell your crafted or looted gear on would instantly create scenes the likes of Lineage II with its towns full of secondary accounts used for auto-selling/buying materials.
I'd much rather see a system where the NPC Armor Vendor allows you access to both his Aalvation Army stuf as well as the armor section of the Player Market. If you got separate NPC's for each tier, restrict their access to the Player Market to that particular tier. The same for Weapon Smith NPC's, General Goods sellers and whatnot.
Benefits that I can see are manyfold.
Not only can you lower the ammount of people congregating on one spot, thereby reducing lag in those areas, but by making people "run around town" to visit various stores for their shopping sprees cities will become more lively. Add no-horse/dragon riding signs while you're at it. Additionally you'll bring people interested in the same gear (Tier 3 Armor for instance) within proximity of each other. Like-minded people are more likely to chat and socialize, even if it's only to complain about the rarity of such-and so item. Maybe some on the spot bartering or group-forming takes place. Furthermore, the specialization of the NPC Vendors with access to the Player Market means pre-fixed search queries to that database, meaning you can optimize (reduce server-load) for those. It also helps people knew to the whole player market and searching auction-house thing. Finally, it makes "botting" the player market that much harder.
The one drawback I can see about it is "virtual laziness". If you were to suddenly spring this system on a game where the single-point access Auction House has already been applied, people will probably scream bloody murder and come up with various theories on how your company isn't trying to make money of of your customers but secretly to ruin their lives and make them hate you. If that actually IS your business model, please explain how you can get that to work? Since that's usually not the case though, I doubt we'll see this anytime soon.
I am curious though, does anyone know of MMORPG's that actually support this lind of trading? I played several MMO's but don't recall this kind of system being used anywhere. I'd also like to know people's ideas on cons to this system.
A common sight in many an MMORPG is that of the huge crowd of people standing around an auction NPC or a terminal providing the same services. In EverQuest II there are the Traders, in Vanguard there's the Auctioneers, in Age of Conan, it's Traders again and in City of Heroes/Villains it's a group of store-clerks or back-alley ruffians. In Guild Wars there aren't any but there's no General Chat as a result either, with all the
Something you also see in each of these games and many, many more are A) Your FPS rate dropping dramatically whenever you get near to these large groups of players accessing the game's global auction / trade system. B) A lot of "useles" NPC Vendors trying to pawn off rubbish armor. We the Players visit them sometimes, or at least the one that's closest to our route to the nearest Auction-house, to sell our "Vendor Trash", stuff we can't even get the dumbest player to buy at inflated prices. For the main part they are completely ignored though, unless they've been inserted into a Fedex-style quest chain for instance.
I mean, I recall buying quite a bit of Armor from the NPC's in my first time through the Guild Wars: Prophecies campaign, but by the time Guild Wars: Factions came out, I'd be taking a character to Level 20 and Droknar's Forge (the long route, I never got ran) in little under 12 hours and with a set of armor bought in the northern Shiverpeaks. In EverQuest II I don't recall buying armor or swords from NPC's after hitting 10. I do recall the lag-fests in the Crafting Houses. SOE tried to do something about that by littering the streets with stumble-upon crafting stations after realizing that selling from your home just wasn't cutting it.
(Hello SOE?, ever heard of home-order/delivery Like those Pizza's you get?)
In Vanguard, saga of unfulfilled potential, it was pretty much the same deal. 5 FPS around Auctioneers (or any area not fully optimized) and ghost-towns around them except for the spots where Crafters had been hidden away or the triangular route between Bank - Crafting Station and Trader. A lot of useless traders standing around that tried to sell us white, entry level gear.
Age of Conan even tried to put it all into one spot, including mail. So in order to check your mail (most likely RMT Gold Sellers spamming you and blaming Google for raising ad prices) you have to stutter passed dozens of people checking their banks, guild-banks, mail and the auction-house while pretty much the entire city's instance is a ghost-town filled with lovely Vendors who never get any custom. Except for the Potion vendors who constitute just about the only money-sink this game knows. Like the other games, the armor and weapon vendors see no custom at all. The General Goods vendor just outside the Tradepost in Old Tarantia sees lots of Vendor Trash custom though.
So, there are two "problems" right? Laggy areas around auction house access points where players congregate to not socialize but try to get the biggest price for their goods instead. And NPC's that were painstakingly inserted into their cozy little shops or stalls but are really wasted memory space as they have no purpose.
Just about every game, including CoX these days, is item-centric. That makes "sense" becasue when people stop levelling, you need to find them another time-sink. I don't know who came up with the idea to level gear, but it proved brilliant and Blizzard perfected the system of gear-levelling through Raid-Dungeons, amongst other things.
But it's a sad fact that the stuff that Vendors sell is almost always "Salvation Army Grade", meaning it has the lowest posisble stats for any given tier (usually 10 levels) and you'd really rather not be caught dead in them, except you're very likely to end up just that taking the gear out to the nearest dungeon.
I'm taking a long and roundabout way to get to the point here and you think you see it coming but it's not Player Shops. Or atleast not the way people sometimes propose it. Your own personal NPC to sell your crafted or looted gear on would instantly create scenes the likes of Lineage II with its towns full of secondary accounts used for auto-selling/buying materials.
I'd much rather see a system where the NPC Armor Vendor allows you access to both his Aalvation Army stuf as well as the armor section of the Player Market. If you got separate NPC's for each tier, restrict their access to the Player Market to that particular tier. The same for Weapon Smith NPC's, General Goods sellers and whatnot.
Benefits that I can see are manyfold.
Not only can you lower the ammount of people congregating on one spot, thereby reducing lag in those areas, but by making people "run around town" to visit various stores for their shopping sprees cities will become more lively. Add no-horse/dragon riding signs while you're at it. Additionally you'll bring people interested in the same gear (Tier 3 Armor for instance) within proximity of each other. Like-minded people are more likely to chat and socialize, even if it's only to complain about the rarity of such-and so item. Maybe some on the spot bartering or group-forming takes place. Furthermore, the specialization of the NPC Vendors with access to the Player Market means pre-fixed search queries to that database, meaning you can optimize (reduce server-load) for those. It also helps people knew to the whole player market and searching auction-house thing. Finally, it makes "botting" the player market that much harder.
The one drawback I can see about it is "virtual laziness". If you were to suddenly spring this system on a game where the single-point access Auction House has already been applied, people will probably scream bloody murder and come up with various theories on how your company isn't trying to make money of of your customers but secretly to ruin their lives and make them hate you. If that actually IS your business model, please explain how you can get that to work? Since that's usually not the case though, I doubt we'll see this anytime soon.
I am curious though, does anyone know of MMORPG's that actually support this lind of trading? I played several MMO's but don't recall this kind of system being used anywhere. I'd also like to know people's ideas on cons to this system.
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